Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Staff Members - by PackageBuilder

Still on Chris' ASUS.

I won't name out every staff member, but the ones I know really well.

Xerolayne: Happy helper. ROBLOX Forum Moderator, Image Moderator, and overall a awesome dude.
This guy is my favorite one out of the bunch.

John Shedletsky: Troll. Thief. Creative Director, this guy is the funny business of ROBLOX. Who cut the cheese? Blame John. This is my second favorite staff member.

Reesemcblox: Forum Moderator. I don't know much about her but I do know that she is the one who posts the rules to the forums.

Brighteyes: John Shedletsky's honey. "Do you even lift"? I don't know much about this one, but I can tell she is probably a troll like John.

Chiefjustus: "y u no follow rules?"

MCA (Gone)

MrDoomBringer: Isn't his name obvious?

Merely: Intern, do you even limited?

Seranok: Intern, Merely's clone.

That's all for now!

ROBLOX Reviw - by PackageBuilder

Hello. I'm on Sherknocks computer today to show the following review. His computer is a ASUS, I got windows 8 so that's a bust for ROBLOX.

Anyways. I'll layer it down into groups.

ROBLOX is a awesome online MMORPG that allows you to build anything you can imaginable! Plus it's free!

free to play, pay to enjoy.

The Community:
The community on ROBLOX is the worst thing you want to see. All these Online Daters and Role Players will make you feel weird to even be on ROBLOX. Luckily we have the forumers.

The Forums
ATR is the main frame of the ROBLOX Forums. It's simple, you chat about ROBLOX.

Known as the comedy forum. You go in, and if you are a softy or a OD'er you will come out crying. RT is the place to be when someone makes a fail. The language of RT goes like this: "hi cn i has chezborger pls". It's funny if you have humor.

Off Topic
Let's skip this poor excuse of a forum.

I won't name out every staff member, but the ones I know really well.

k bi

Tuesday, July 30, 2013

ROBLOXity, The N.B.T

Robloxity is a RPG that allows you to act out life, such as getting a job, being a robber, cop or pet. This game is made by 1dev3, original 1dev2 creator of Welcome to the town of ROBLOXia
The game really explains it self. Role Play and look for a life. It currently is one of the top games on ROBLOX.

This game is the top RPG of 2013 so far. I plan it will beat all the others for 2014 as well.

The creator of Robloxity, 1dev2, got "hacked" during the great April 1st attack, the "hackers" gave him tons of stuff and the staff members thought he was disrupting the community and banned him. I would agree to making a new account if I where 1dev3. But I think he should have used info@roblox.com/appeals@roblox.com.

1dev3 is a wonderful game maker. Can you top this game?


Monday, July 8, 2013

ROBLOX Battle!

By Sherknock on 7/8/2013

ROBLOX Battled is by far the best game on ROBLOX as of 7/8/2013. I'd like to play it all day but I am busy and have things to do. But I need to blog stuff so here it goes.

First off we have the new 3D Inventory. The blue really makes it look like the ROBLOX forums. But it's not enough, they should add a weapon buyer in my opinion. You know, the classic Game Pass stuff.

Currently the game has been a hit. It's made by Games, the ROBLOX account. So I have some in-game pictures below.

First off we start off as a lonely noob. But if we get more Coins we can get armor and become the ultimate weapon!

Sadly I'm still a noob.


Personally the superball is legit and awesome.

They also have 6 NEW ROBLOX WEAPONS!

That's all for this post, Get Coins!

Sunday, June 16, 2013

New Games and Game Modes Coming to ROBLOX! [ Happy Fathers Day! ] by "PackageBuilder"

By PackageBuilder on 6/16/2013

First off, we would like to thank all the dads for being so epicly awesome. So out first post goes to you!

We have a vision of a Games page that’s populated with incredible games to play and places to explore. With content like Apocalypse Rising, ROBLOXity, Battlefield, and Sword Fighting Tournament re-appearing week after week, we’re partway there. However, among such great stuff, you might see games that don’t live up to their own hype.

Here are some games coming out into ROBLOX.

Sctiptonik Master
First we have ScriptOn's Team Fortress 2.

We talked to him for a bit.

Informers: What are you doing with TF2 at the moment?

ScriptOn: I`m making the base weapons from TF2, 2Fort as a map, then have users capture intelligence for team wins. After that, I`ll be making mostly original weapons, and allowing users to send in re-skins of current hats for the game, to keep it community based.

Informers: So it's a good thing ROBLOX has hats. Am I right?

ScriptOn: Yes, but it would be nice to allow for user-made ones.

Informers: I'm actually trying to get Xerolayne to let us make user meshes again.

Xyrolayne: I'm not sure, really. In all fairness, ROBLOX needs to hold on to something that makes them unique. Something they can use as a business model. We'll see how it evolves going forward, though.

ScriptOn: It sounds like one of those evasions roblox uses to not say "no" directly.

Informers: I don't doubt that one day ROBLOX will allow meshes again. But by then they will have something new to use.

Now let's start talking to Crazyblox!

We are now chatting with the creator of Flood Escape. Crazyblox has a new game mode.

Informers: What are you working on for Flood Escape?

Crazyblox: Well, its a whole new mode I'll be adding to my game Flood Escape. Its called "Adventure Mode" and will be a fully fetched Adventure style, plot driven, obstacle based mode. In a nutshell really.

Informers: Do you have any leaks or pictures for us?

Crazyblox: I'll get back to you on that, I need to upload some recent photos.

Informers: So what will you do in this new mode? Like be Indiana Jones and run from waves?

Crazyblox: You wont run from waves as such, though that might be the case in one of the areas.
This is one of the 3 areas I'm building.

That's all we have for this blog post. Check in later!