Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Staff Members - by PackageBuilder

Still on Chris' ASUS.

I won't name out every staff member, but the ones I know really well.

Xerolayne: Happy helper. ROBLOX Forum Moderator, Image Moderator, and overall a awesome dude.
This guy is my favorite one out of the bunch.

John Shedletsky: Troll. Thief. Creative Director, this guy is the funny business of ROBLOX. Who cut the cheese? Blame John. This is my second favorite staff member.

Reesemcblox: Forum Moderator. I don't know much about her but I do know that she is the one who posts the rules to the forums.

Brighteyes: John Shedletsky's honey. "Do you even lift"? I don't know much about this one, but I can tell she is probably a troll like John.

Chiefjustus: "y u no follow rules?"

MCA (Gone)

MrDoomBringer: Isn't his name obvious?

Merely: Intern, do you even limited?

Seranok: Intern, Merely's clone.

That's all for now!

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