Tuesday, August 6, 2013

ROBLOX Reviw - by PackageBuilder

Hello. I'm on Sherknocks computer today to show the following review. His computer is a ASUS, I got windows 8 so that's a bust for ROBLOX.

Anyways. I'll layer it down into groups.

ROBLOX is a awesome online MMORPG that allows you to build anything you can imaginable! Plus it's free!

free to play, pay to enjoy.

The Community:
The community on ROBLOX is the worst thing you want to see. All these Online Daters and Role Players will make you feel weird to even be on ROBLOX. Luckily we have the forumers.

The Forums
ATR is the main frame of the ROBLOX Forums. It's simple, you chat about ROBLOX.

Known as the comedy forum. You go in, and if you are a softy or a OD'er you will come out crying. RT is the place to be when someone makes a fail. The language of RT goes like this: "hi cn i has chezborger pls". It's funny if you have humor.

Off Topic
Let's skip this poor excuse of a forum.

I won't name out every staff member, but the ones I know really well.

k bi

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